A Compilation of Sustainable Investing Reporting Throughout the Year
In the fast-evolving landscape of investment finance, sustainability has become front and centre for investors worldwide. AIMCo is committed to providing transparency around our sustainable investing (SI) initiatives through reporting.
Throughout this year, AIMCo has released four SI reports:
Integration Report, released in April
Stewardship Report, released in August
Climate-related Financial Disclosures Report (formerly TCFD Report), released in December
GRESB Report, released in December
The 2023 Sustainable Investing Report compiles the four reports into one package, allowing for convenience and cohesion and providing transparency around AIMCo’s SI initiatives.
This report is made available for historical information and reference purposes and is current only as of the date thereof and may be superseded by more current information. We do not undertake any obligation to update this information, whether because of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.