Jun 20, 2024


Moving Markets and Investing in The Newest/Oldest Asset Class

In this episode of ABsolute Returns, Dr. Ashby Monk, Executive and Research Director at the Stanford Research Initiative, explains why he thinks institutional investors have the power to move markets like never before. Then, AIMCo’s Jonathan Braams joins to discuss a relatively new space to invest in a sector that’s as old as civilization — agriculture.

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Meet Our Guests


Ashby Monk

Executive and Research Director, Stanford Research Initiative on Long-Term Investing

Dr. Ashby Monk is a Senior Research Engineer at the School of Engineering at Stanford University and the Executive Director of the Stanford Research Initiative on Long-Term Investing. He has more than 20 years of experience studying and advising investment organizations. He has authored multiple books and published 100s of research papers on institutional investing. Outside of academia, Ashby has co-founded several companies that help investors make better investment decisions, including Real Capital Innovation (acquired by Addepar), FutureProof, GrowthsphereAI, Long Game Savings (acquired by Truist), NetPurpose, D.A.T.A., SheltonAI, and ThirdAct. He is co-founder and managing partner of KDX, a venture capital firm focused on investment technologies. He is a member of the CFA Institute’s Future of Finance Advisory Council and was named by CIO Magazine as one of the most influential academics in the institutional investing world. He received his Doctorate in Economic Geography at the University of Oxford, holds a Master’s in International Economics from the Université de Paris I - Pantheon Sorbonne, and has a Bachelor’s in Economics from Princeton University.


Jonathan Braams

Senior Principal,Renewable Resources, Alberta Investment Management Corporation

Jonathan is a Senior Principal in the Infrastructure and Renewable Resources group at Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMCo), a global institutional investment firm with approximately C$160.6 billion in assets under management. In this capacity, he is involved with the management of current direct and fund investments and the analysis of new opportunities, specifically in the Timberland and Agriculture sectors. Prior to specializing in Timberland and Agriculture, Jonathan spent time working in AIMCo's Client Relations and Private Equity teams. Jonathan holds the CBV and CFA designations and graduated from the University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Commerce degree.

About the ABsolute Returns Podcast

ABsolute Returns will help you make sense of the world of institutional investing and Alberta’s place in it. Each episode will bring you insights and analysis from a variety of guests who will help demystify the complexities while adding finance related content and context. Institutional investors have the power to move markets and the duty to navigate them wisely. ABsolute Returns will help listeners better understand that work.

The content on this podcast is provided for general information purposes only. AIMCo is not a financial advisor, and the information provided does not provide legal, accounting, tax, investment, financial or other advice and should not be relied upon for such purposes. Every person’s financial planning needs are different. For advice on how you should prepare financially for retirement, please seek credentialed independent professional advice. Further, external speakers have been invited to provide their own viewpoints and do not reflect AIMCo views.